Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hidden Wallet?

Hidden Wallet is an easy to use browser based Bitcoin wallet.

We aim to provide usability and security at the same time.

Are there any fees on Hidden Wallet?

We dont charge any fees except for the transaction fees on the bitcoin network.

Is Hidden Wallet easier than the standard client?

Hidden Wallet is as simple and easy as possible, we have a very minimalistic interface which should be easy to understand for most people.

Is it more secure than the standard client?

With the standard client you will need alot of knowledge about how to protect your wallet.dat file, which is basically impossible for most normal people who dont run multiple PCs, virtualization software, encryption tools etc.

Also if you don't do regular backups on the standard client, there is a high risk of loosing your coins.

On Hidden Wallet we take care of all that, protecting your bitcoin funds while all you have to do is keep your password in a safe place.

How does Hidden Wallet protect my bitcoins?

We are using encrypted bitcoin wallets, hard disk encryption, SSL certificates and a hardened webserver for maximum security of your Bitcoins.

We also do daily encrypted backups to different offsite locations worldwide.

Most bitcoins aren't even stored on the webserver, we store them on an impossible to hack offline wallet.

What happens if i lose my password?

Don't lose your password! We dont have password recovery functions for security reasons. (Most accounts get hacked these days using weak password recovery functions)

We recommend you write down your password on a piece of paper and store it securely.

Can i get a new bitcoin address?

To keep it simple we only support one address per account, but you are free to open as many accounts as you wish!